Tournament Rules


A reminder to all teams, parents, and spectators –

  1. Drones and Arial video and photography are NOT permitted at any time.  The use of HI-Pods (or similar) video camera equipment will not be permitted at any facility unless prior approval by the tournament director as well as all requirements are met.  Those requesting approval must complete HI-Pod Request Form
  2. NO DOGS are allowed at any complex or field used by the East Coast Showcase.  This includes all common areas and parking lots.  If dogs are seen on the premises owners will be asked to leave the complex immediately and if dog is present near or around any field the game will be halted until the dog is removed to the parking area, but must be removed permanently from the complex as well.   Properly marked and leashed service dogs are permitted at the complex but are not allowed within 15 yards of any field.
  3. Alcoholic Beverages & Smoking are Prohibited.

Tournament Headquarters

Tournament Headquarters will be located at Striker Park; 4801 Pouncey Tract Rd., Glen Allen, VA  23059; Tournament Director:  Steve D’Adamo; 804-288-4625


Team Check-in for the 2022 East Coast Showcase will be via online check-in only.

Registration Requirements

US Teams:

· Original 2021/2022 Player Passes; either USYS State Association or US Club Soccer passes

· Original 2021/2022 Official Roster; either USYS State Association or US Club Soccer

· Two Copies of Official Roster

· Guest Players identified:  Written on front or back of COPIES of Rosters

· Player Passes for Guest Player

· Individual Player Medical Release Forms

· Permission to Travel Paper Work:   Not Required for US Club Soccer Teams.  USYS State Association teams from Region I do not need Permission to Travel Paper Work. USYS State Association teams from all other Regions need Permission to Travel Paper Work.

The East Coast Showcase is Dual Sanctioned for 2022

For US Club Soccer teams the tournament is sanctioned by US Club Soccer under the Open Cup format and a USYSA Sanctioned Tournament. This allows competitive teams from both US Club Soccer and any other USSF affiliated members (state associations, etc) to compete in this event. The US Club Soccer teams DO NOT have to have a US Youth Soccer Application to Travel Form, but must bring their proper roster, plus 2 copies for the tournament and player pass cards.

For USYSA Registered Teams:  Teams must have the proper USYSA state rosters, plus two copies for the tournament, permission to travel forms, player pass cards and medical release forms for each player at registration.

Teams that are members of organizations of the United States Soccer Federation but not members of US Youth Soccer (such as AYSO, SAY, US Club Soccer or Super Y Leagues) DO NOT have to have a US Youth Soccer Application to Travel form (although that team’s organization may require that the team have permission). An approved team roster does need to be provided to tournament officials, along with current player passes from its organization.

*Some state associations allow for U19 players to play in the U18 division since the USSF Age-Change Mandates.  If this is the case, you must notify the tournament director to discuss the proper age division placement during registration.

Note for Region I teams:
Region 1 Policy Regarding Application To Host A Tournament

Region I has established the following policy concerning permission to travel when attending USYS sanctioned tournaments in Region I.  The purpose of this policy is to make it as simple as possible for the US Youth Soccer Region I teams to travel to tournaments within Region I.

The new policy states that any USYS State Association teams within Region I that is accepted into a tournament in Region I do not need permission to travel papers.

Roster Sizes

· 2003/04-2007 (U15 to U18/U19) Teams can have 26 players on their rosters turned in at Registration; however, teams must identify 18 players before each game with the referees.  Only 18 players in each game are allowed to play.

Five guest players per team will be permitted for all age groups. US Club Soccer teams may only take guest players registered under US Club Soccer, and USYSA teams may only take guest players registered with properly stamped USYSA player pass cards.

*Players playing with a different team within the same club in which the player is registered (i.e. playing up an age group), will not count towards the guest player maximums.  However, the tournament director must be notified if the total players (guest players + players moving between 2 club teams) exceeds five (5).

**Players can only play for 1 team throughout the tournament.

Ball Size

Size 5   2003/04-2007 (U19 - U15)

Game Duration

80 min, 2003/04-2007 (U19-U15)                             Halftime - 5 min

*All games have a running clock.  Extended time due to injuries or other stoppages will not occur unless decided by the tournament director.


Substitutions shall be unlimited, but made only at the following times:

Showcase Format competition:

a) Free substitution will be allowed in all age groups.  However, teams may substitute only with the referee’s permission and only at the following times: throw-ins, Goal kick, after a goal, half time, at the beginning of an overtime period, on a caution (only the cautioned player)

b) For 2003/04-2007 (U19-U15) age groups:  As a college showcase event, players ejected can be substituted, thus allowing teams to play at full strength.  Two yellow cards constitute a red card and ejection, however offending player can be substituted also.

Under no circumstances may substitutions be made (1) on corner kicks or (2) after the game has ended in a tie and FIFA penalty kicks will be required to determine a winner

All substitutes shall inform the assistant referee on their side of the field that they wish to enter the game prior to the time they are entitled to enter the game as a substitute. The assistant referee will signal the referee that substitutes wish to enter the game at the first opportunity that the substitute is allowed to enter the game. The substitutes must wait until the referee signals that it is okay for them to enter the field.

Home Team

Team listed first is the designated Home Team and must change jerseys when the referee determines a conflict to exist.


Teams not at the field ready to play with a minimum of 7 eligible players at the scheduled game time will forfeit the match at the discretion of the tournament director.  Forfeited scores will be counted 3 – 0.  Teams forfeiting games will not be able to advance to the playoff rounds.

Inclement Weather

Regardless of weather conditions, coaches and their teams must appear at their respective field site, ready to play as scheduled. Failure to appear will result in forfeiture of the match. Only the Tournament Director(s) may cancel or postpone a match. Referees may suspend a match only in case of severe weather, in his/her discretion. The Tournament Director reserves the right to make the following changes in the event of inclement weather:

· Relocate and/or reschedule a match.

· Change a division structure.

· Reduce scheduled duration of a match.

· Cancel a match.

In the evet of inclement weather, forcing play to be halted and preventing the match from completing during the scheduled time, the score shall stand if at least one-half of the match has been completed.

Player’s Equipment

All players must wear shinguards. No metal-rimmed glasses or jewelry of any kind will be allowed. Casts, splints or body braces made of a hard substance in its final form such as leather, rubber, plastic, plaster or fiberglass must be covered on all exterior surfaces with no less than ½ inch thick, high density polyurethane, or an alternate material of the same thickness and similar physical properties to protect the injury. A medical release for the injured player signed by a licensed physician must be available at the game site.  Players may not play with these casts without the approval of the Referee.

Rules for Advancement

Teams will be awarded points on the following basis:

· Six (6) points for each Win

· Three (3) points for each Tie

· Zero (0) points for each Loss

· One (1) point for each goal scored up to a max of three (3) per game.  Losing teams receive points also.

· One (1) point for each shutout

· Examples: 
A 0-0 tie will be scored as 4 points for each team (3 for tie, 1 for shutout)
A 4-2 game will be scored as 9 points for the winning team (6 for win, 3 for goals) and 2 points to the losing team (2 for goals).

In the event of a tie in points at the end of the event; the following tiebreakers will be used for final bracket results:

· The winner in head to head competition. (If there is a 3 team tie, proceed to the next tie breaker)

· Goal differential, max of +/-3 per game (Team wins 4-0, only gets +3 GD, losing team gets -3)

· Goals For (max 5 goals per game)

· Goals Against (max 5 goals per game)

When the tiebreaker system is used, the criteria are followed from 1 through 4 until one team is eliminated and then the criteria starts over again at Rule #1.  Rules are repeated until one team remains.

There will be no protests.  All officiating decisions are final.

Sideline Behavior

Both teams will sit on the same side of the field.  Only coaches and trainers may stay on the player’s sideline.  Spectators are only allowed on the opposite side of the field from the coaches and players and are limited to being in the designated area from penalty box to penalty box.  No spectators are allowed behind the goal areas.   Harassment of the officials from coaches, spectators or players will not be tolerated.


2003/04-2007 (U19-U15):

· If a player is ejected from a match (red card by the referee) that player must sit out the remainder of that match.

· In addition, the player must sit-out his/her team's next tournament match.  However as this is a showcase event, appeals for sitting out the next match are allowed at the discretion of the tournament director in coordination with the tournaments referee coordinator.  Ejections for violent behavior, fighting, referee abuse are in no way appealable.  Only the tournament director can make these decisions.

· As a college showcase event, players ejected can be substituted, thus allowing teams to play at full strength.

· Two yellow cards constitute a red card and ejection; however offending player can also be substituted. 

Coaches (Any Age Group)

· A coach or other authorized bench personnel sent off during a match must leave the field immediately upon being sent off and must remain away from the field during the team’s next match.

NO alcoholic beverages are allowed in the park or the parking lot of any of the game sites. Your team will be subject to forfeiting 1 game.  Smoking or use of tobacco products on or near playing fields is prohibited at all times.

Outdoor Grilling is prohibited at all tournament venues. 

NO dogs are allowed at any of parks or field complexes used for the Jefferson Cup.  Only service animals are allowed at the facility.

The use of HI-Pods (or similar) video camera equipment will not be permitted at any facility unless prior approval by the tournament director as well as all requirements are met.

Game Balls:  All game balls will be provided by tournament.  Only balls provided by the tournament can be used.

*The tournament will be played in accordance with FIFA Laws of the Game except as modified by these rules above.

Tournament Postponement/Cancellation

The Richmond Strikers and the Tournament Director(s) reserve the right to decide all matters pertaining to the tournament – and may, in their sole discretion, delay, postpone, or cancel the tournament, or otherwise alter the tournament structure (such as the duration of and/or number of games for teams),  The decision of the Richmond Strikers and the Tournament Director(s) on these matters shall be final, and shall not entitle any team to a refund or other return of entry fees paid, except as provided below (subject to any exception set out below, entry fees are nonrefundable).

If the tournament is cancelled for any reason before any tournament matches are played, teams will receive a refund or credit (against entry fees for a future Richmond Strikers tournament) in an amount to be determined in the sole discretion of the Executive Committee of the Richmond Strikers after taking into consideration the non-recoverable costs, expenses, and resources incurred/expended by the Richmond Strikers for the tournament.   The determination of the amount of the credit/refund, and issuance of any credit/refund, may take up to 180 days after cancellation.

Outside of complete tournament cancellation, other circumstances may arise in which the Richmond Strikers, based on the totality of circumstances, decide to provide a refund of some or all of team entry fees (or for particular teams based on impacts from weather and other circumstances).  Any such decision to alter the no-refund policy is in the sole and absolute discretion of the Richmond Strikers, and any such decision shall not constitute a binding commitment with respect to future similar circumstances or other teams.   

The East Coast Showcase, Tournament Director(s), and Richmond Strikers will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by tournament participants (including, without limitation, for travel, lodging, or meals) if the tournament is delayed, postponed, cancelled, or otherwise altered for any reason.

Amendment for COVID-19 effective August 25, 2020: If a tournament is cancelled by the Richmond Strikers 30 days or more before the start date of the tournament due to reasons related to COVID-19, the Richmond Strikers will provide teams with a 100% refund of entry fees paid for that tournament.

Team Withdrawal

All Entry Fees must be postmarked by April 1st, 2021 to guarantee consideration. All late applications will be put on a wait list for review. Upon acceptance, the fee is non-refundable. If your team is accepted and later withdraws, the entry fee is non-refundable and sanctions will be placed against your team/club for future participation in Richmond Striker events.

Hotel Services

To insure the quality of service provided at the 2022 East Coast Showcase, the Richmond Strikers has appointed Anthony Travel as our official Hospitality Service of the tournament. All teams are mandated to book any hotel reservations through Anthony Travel to insure their place in the 2022 East Coast Showcase. Any teams that do not comply will be at risk of forfeiting their acceptance.

Local Richmond teams or teams “commuting” to Richmond for the weekend do not have to stay in hotels but must contact either Anthony Sports or the tournament director indicating their intentions to do so.  “Commuting” Teams is defined as a 75-mile distance between the club’s mailing address to the Team's scheduled field complex. 

Please email to Anthony Travel sports travel expert or call (800) 736-6377

By using Anthony Travel as our booking service the Richmond Strikers and the East Coast Showcase can offer our "Act of God" Clause.  This states "Should this event be cancelled for reasons beyond the Event Organizer's control (including weather), all outstanding reservations will be released at no charge to the participants."